We build future-ready tech careers
Students & Job Changers
Graduate with work-ready tech and job skills. Train with one of our recommended partners or at Computing for All.
Talent Portal
Go where employers and job candidates meet, the Washington Tech Workforce Coalition.
Post jobs and meet diverse candidates through the Coalition’s Talent Portal. Join the Coalition to help shape your future workforce.
Job Seekers
Get seen, get hired. Showcase your skills, attend job fairs, and workshops. Create a profile on the Coalition’s Talent Portal.
Our Mission: Close the skills and diversity gaps in tech.
Our Goal:
1,000 job candidates in tech roles by 2025
Growth in tech related job roles expected by 2028
Estimated annual openings for IT-related occupations in 2022-2027
Computing roles held by women. Black and Latino men are also underrepresented

Computing for All works directly with employers who validate tech curriculum, mentor students, and evaluate their readiness for internships, apprenticeships, or entry–level jobs.

Computing for All recruits, trains, and places a diverse spectrum of underrepresented students and adults who have talent but face barriers or lack opportunity.
Success Stories
“I enjoyed my job shadow at Indigo Slate. I enjoyed coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Digital Skills Youth Academy has exposed me to a lot of opportunities and experiences.”
“I have learned how to code, how to work as part of a team, how to communicate with others, and am learning how to create games and websites.”
News & Events

Computing for All Launches Free Career Prep Program to Empower Washington Tech Talent