We seek to break down cultural and systemic social barriers that prevent young adults of all races, genders, and abilities from exploring computer science as a potential career. CFA’s employer-mentored, project-based work programs support practicing the application of critical thinking and problem-solving to real-world work scenarios.
Who We Are
Computing for All is a nonprofit organization committed to helping those who are under-represented in the IT industry to prepare for and secure equitable, upwardly mobile careers in information technology. We have been serving the Seattle area for 5 years through our innovative project work education model that prepares students to succeed in technical careers. We are committed to helping young adults experience a career in Information Technology through both virtual instruction and active engagement in a hands-on, immersive, blended learning setting. Employer mentors provide structured training experiences for students to develop IT skills applying academic learning to real-time work.
We have been selected as a Career Connect WA sector intermediary for IT and Cybersecurity in WA state to work with employers, high schools and colleges preparing students for tech jobs in our state. Our team is working to address the hiring needs of employers by developing employer-focused career pathways which lead to high skills, high demand technology jobs in our community. CFA is also participating in the federal Good Jobs grant awardee consortium in WA state to scale career connected learning programs to lead to jobs, helping employers to build a diverse recruiting pipeline.
Our Vision
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are cornerstones for Computing for All. We are committed to a set of goals to increase workforce representation and to create a more inclusive culture.
Our Theory of Change

Computing for All is on a journey to change the lives of thousands of students, validate tech career pathways as a viable career choice, and provide students and their communities a pathway to prosperity.
Our Solution
Many students struggle to find the connection between their education and an attainable career. A four-year college degree is often touted as the only path to success. At the same time, the gap between rapidly growing numbers of evolving tech jobs and the skilled workers to fill them continues to widen nationwide.
Traditional educational models separate education from work experience, which restricts many students who would prosper from a technical career path. These models inadvertently promote inequity in access to success for these students, especially among disadvantaged populations as they transition from high school to work and a sustainable career.
Computing For All is solving the Problem
Computing for All is a nonprofit that has been on the leading edge of the work-based tech learning revolution in Washington – we’re on a journey to take on the challenges of a growing education and workforce gap in our state.
When businesses, communities and educators unite, they can change the future for all of us. We work to create bridges for students and business partners to unite and lift local economies through the development of young leaders. We have seen how exposure to these career pathways—along with meaningful work experiences—can be the difference in bridging the gap. Together, we are creating an impact that lasts a lifetime.
Our methodology for planning, participation and partner evaluation is built on Computing for All’s theory of change for credentialed work-based learning. This is the foundation of our goal to create social change with work-based learning solutions.
It is our goal that in the future, work-based learning becomes an accepted and essential part of the education system for high schools, closing the gap between education and work and providing equity in education to all students.
CFA is a unique, innovative educational model that prepares students to succeed in technical careers while contributing to local business growth and viability. Our goal is to build a Tech education pipeline in partnership with businesses and education that provides underrepresented young adults with opportunities for equity and upwardly mobile economic security. At the end of the day, when education and business work together, communities are strengthened.
Computing for All provides a proven, accelerated program to prepare students for technical careers more rapidly than traditional pathways. We customize solutions to meet the unique needs of each of our partners.
When students complete the program they have a vision and a plan. They emerge as leaders, ready to take on today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.
Our Commitment to Diversity
“In my 25-year career in the tech industry, I entered room after room in which I was the only woman. This didn’t just apply to small gatherings; I remember almost laughing once when I realized I was the only woman among 300 people. The office culture was male- dominated; conversations often excluded me by content or structure. I felt the heavy weight of representing my entire gender (and my race) with every choice in the workplace.
I want women and minorities to be welcome and included in tech in order to serve consumers, as well. When any industry builds products, those products reflect the people who build it. A tech industry dominated by a homogenous gender or race will create products that primarily serve that population. I want an equitable, inclusive future, and my best possible contribution is a diverse pool of talent ready to shape the tech industry.“ Ritu Bahl