Leslie received her Teaching Certificate at the University of Washington and has worked in both public and private sectors of non-profit education for many years. She is the former Senior Manager for Education and Outreach at EMP, the Experience Music Project Museum (since renamed MoPop), has taught numerous high school, college, and adult education classes, and was the Workshop Administrator for the Clarion West Writers Workshop for several decades. Leslie’s work as a manager at Seattle Parks RecTech Community Technology Labs program has given her years of experience managing and teaching hands-on tech training and digital literacy programs, in partnership with organizations like Adobe Youth Voices and the Seattle Youth Employment Program, for students of all ages.
Leslie served as Chair of the Equity Advisory Team for the Associated Recreation Council (ARC) for several years and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Digital Equity Learning Network (DELN) of Seattle & King County and is a committed champion of digital equity for all.